Case Study: ePRICE

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Dedicated support services for every purchasing need

ePrice, the leading Italian e-Commerce company, listed on the Italian Stock Exchange MTA, is one of the most important online retailers in the country with revenues of 131 million euros and GMV of 185 million euros in 2019. ePRICE is one of the main Italian online stores, specialising in the sale of high-tech products and leader in the sector of large household appliances sold online.

Thanks to Home Service, it manages the deliveries and the installations of large household appliances, with a coverage of 16 million inhabitants. ePrice has a network of 111 Pick & Pay points distributed in 109 cities, that combine the advantages of shopping online with the convenience and security of the local store.



The biggest challenge was to be able to implement in only 2 weeks (moreover, under the Christmas holidays), two different customer care services managed by geo-located teams in Italy, abroad and in outsourcing.

BeInContact – a 100% Cloud Omnichannel Contact Center solution – is to date used in Italy (with integration to CRM Oracle Service Cloud) and in Albania at BPO (in Stand Alone mode), unifying the software architecture that is thus streamlined and simplified. Indeed, BeInContact’s Full Cloud feature ensures high quality standards and 24×7 reachability, as well as reduced implementation time and configuration effort.



By means of CTI integration between ePrice’s Oracle Service Cloud CRM and the BeInContact application designed by BeCloud, the latter is able to recognize the calling customer/vendor within the master records saved in the database and contextually create a new incoming “Incident” accompanied by all the information found in the IVR.

When forwarding the call, BeInContact automatically screen-pops the Incident to the available Customer Service agent, according to skill-based routing, thus providing the information to handle the support request.

Agents in Italy operate directly from the Oracle Service Cloud environment within which BeInContact’s CTI Phone Bar has been integrated, thus having in a single interface, the interaction control keys and the censored information within the same CRM.

Instead, agents located in Albania, at outsourced locations, operate directly on the BeInContact Stand Alone environment. Recognition of the calling customer/vendor is done through the use of an address book internal to the platform, and the call is routed to the operator station accompanied by the information captured during IVR navigation as well as retrieved from the address book queries.

Queuing rules follow “customer/operator association routing” logic and are based on geographic area of responsibility and operator shifts.

Thanks to the recording system, all Inbound and Outbound conversations are recorded, thus allowing on the one hand the archiving of vocal orders and on the other hand the quality monitoring by supervisors regarding the actions of agents and the outsourcer.

As a result of the high number of daily calls, in order to avoid long waits in the queue, customer-supplier priority policies (in order to “skip the queue” for certain services) and virtual queues have also been configured to handle automatic callbacks, which allow the caller to choose whether to be called back to his or her own phone number or to another.

Once the callback request is registered, the BeInContact dialer automatically makes the call, forwarding it to an available operator chosen by the system following the same skill-based routing logic applied for Inbound flows.

Regarding the lines and the telephone component, through BeConnect services, BeCloud was able to manage, in a very short time and seamlessly, the number portability of a GNR from 100 telephone numbers from the previous operator on high reliability redundant trunks already interconnected to the BeInContact platform.

Different IVR and supplementary flows are attested on the numbers depending on the type of service required by the calling customer. Thanks to SIP Trunks with national and international carriers certified with our BeInContact platform, we guarantee to handle an unlimited number of simultaneous calls to and from any type of telephone numbering, national, international or toll-free.



ePrice’s choice to move to a Full Cloud, enterprise-class and highly flexible solution was the answer to their Customer Service needs, managing to guarantee certainties of an innovative integrated service.

Thanks to this collaboration, ePrice is able to follow all its customers or suppliers step by step, accompanying them from purchase to installation, maintaining indeed increasing the satisfaction of its users.



“We were looking for an alternative solution to Genesys that was Full Cloud, enterprise-class, reliable and flexible, that we could deploy quickly anywhere and anytime, without big changes in our infrastructure. BeCloud was the answer to our needs, and the implementation of the BeInContact solution integrated with our Oracle Service Cloud CRM in just two weeks permitted us not to lose business, to offer an omnichannel customer experience and, at the same time, to have an “easy to learn/easy to use” solution for all our agents”.


In short

Customer: ePrice

Sector: Internet

Location: Italy


• Implement different Customer Care services managed by geolocated teams in different territories

• Deliver an omnichannel customer experience without losing business


Voice Channel Integrated to Oracle Service Cloud

Calling Customer Recognition

Inbound and outbound conversation recording

Portability of a 100-number GNR

IVR Flows


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