CRM Custom integration

Contact Center Management Software



BeInContact is an advanced contact center management software platform able to streamline and optimize processes. Sharing data and quickly consciously planning strategies through the platform is possible as well.


BeInContact solution offers a powerful routing tool with all your channels unified. Customer service operators can manage a single unique user interface, simplifying and optimising daily operations. One single screen will show information from every channel and every customer involved in the interactions.


Additionally, all interactions can be transferred to your chosen CRM and archived to later gain feedbacks and information. You’ll also be able to take a look at a customisable dashboard automatically created on gained information.



Exploit BeInContact’s Agent Desktop functionalities. Implement the CTI phone bar to manage communication alongside CRM’s customer information on the same screen. BeInContact is not only highly customisable, but it can also integrate with every famous CRM on the market.


Choose between SalesForce, Microsoft Dynamics, Zendesk, ServiceNow, Oracle, SAP, Vtiger or the CRM that suits your business the best.


The decision is up to you for BeInContact integrates with all of them and more.



Thanks to BeInContact native capabilities its possible to transfer all managed interaction data directly into your CRM. You’ll then have at your disposal all customer information and their support requests on one single database.


After each interaction on every setup channel, BeInContact can share interactions parameters directly in CRM. It will then automatically create customisable objects within the latter. Interaction timings, type, the channel used in such interactions, waiting times and IVR choices are but few of them.


Supervisors and Team Leaders will find service metrics directly on the dashboard. They’ll be able to understand data easily, being able to make decisions as quickly as possible. Working times are reduced and automation will be the core of every operation, without undervaluing human work and its advantages.


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