Always connected to customers to answer their needs

The Group, established in Viano, Reggio Emilia, specializes in the development of manufacturing automated solutions for daily consumer goods companies in the logistic, beverage, food, and tissue sectors or other diversified areas.
Thanks to innovative technologies and a thorough analysis of customers’ logistic processes, more than 25 years ago, the company was already working on the concept of Industry 4.0: smart, interconnected, and digitized factories. Today, E80 Group installed over 2000 robotic and 5000 automatic laser-guided systems, starting from 2016, 35 high-density automatic warehouses.
Customer Service is one of E80 Group’s main pillars: it guarantees to all customers long-lasting maximum innovation, total safety, reduction of margin error, and factory complete efficiency in finding support information.
For these reasons, E80 Group found BeCloud Solutions a strong ally to be able to manage the entire flow of daily requests optimizing the communication process for a renewed end efficient Customer Experience.
“At E80 Group, listening to the customers is the main pillar. The primary goal is to offer them 360° services with innovative, intuitive, and easy-to-implement solutions. Thanks to the partnership with BeCloud Solutions we improved the level of Customer Satisfaction and increased, at the same time, the contact rate. We believe that the synergy and the big teamwork brings an added value to our customers and ourselves, improving moments of learning and continuing the Customer Service innovation.”
IT Software Manager di E80 Group