Data Center Cloud & Disaster Recovery

An always reliable and available service



The solution deployment occurs with 2 different Data Disaster Recovery Centers. The two of them are 100km distant one from the other, and set in Frankfurt. They offer:

  • High electric charge availability and security


  • 99.985% SLA service continuity


  • Platform data collection and custody


  • Virtual servers to create, implement and distribute all Contact Center services necessary on voice/data channels

Clienta will, through AWS deployment and our services, benefit from security and trustworthy measures, aligned with European standards.



All our European market Cloud Contact Center services are deployed with Frankfurt’s AWS (Amazon Web Services). As worldwide Iaas and iPaas leader it’ll grant Cloud Contact Center Services both availability and scalability.

Frankfurt, Sydney and San Francisco’s Data Disaster Recovery Centers will grant worldwide 360° “Follow the Sun” support. Phone management localises as close to agents operational locations as possible.




BeInContact’s Data Center features modern technlogies to allow functionlities of all server components. Service quality networking and connectivity is granted 24/7, 365 days. 

The Data Center links  to international internet backup services, allowing full forkflow experience. Public connectivity is designed to support a great number of colling operators.

It is the customer’s responsability to provide guaranteed bandwith connectivity where operators connect.


BeCloud’s security measures and solutions are the safest on the market. Thanks to our Data Disaster Recovery Centers there will be no need for businesses to worry about data storage and loss. Complete security is not just the future, but the present as well.


Unlimited scalability
3 levels of data protection
ISO 27001 standard - HIPAA - PCI DSS
FULL Cloud
Business Continuity and high availability
Open Architecture
Support for PMLS, VPN Leased Line connections
Disaster Recovery Option
Connectivity 24/24 FOR 365 days a year

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